Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I have put my blog through a MUCH needed re-vamp! And I'm hoping that this year, instead of making three blog posts and then waiting two years, I will keep up a little more with this blogging opportunity.

So the THEME this year is REVAMP.

In Second Grade, we are trying departmentalizing, so we are dealing with the logistics of that. (I will just be teaching the math portion) We are beginning the Universal Breakfast Program, SW-PBS (School Wide-Positive Behavior Supports), and we are starting to put our grades on our district's online system and not "paper-pencil."

And those are just my districts big changes. Personally, for myself: I will now be coaching softball AND taking graduate courses, which are big changes for me, while teaching my Second Grade sweeties.

We still have four weeks until we have students, but those weeks are full of conferences, workshops, PD, softball practices, the Missouri State Fair (yes, I'm working) and hopefully getting my classroom ready at some point! 

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