Saturday, April 12, 2014


Alright... I'll admit that a big part of being a teacher is being prepared. I like to stay a week to two weeks prepped, if I can. There are sometimes that that just can't happen. (like the last whole math chapter, I was just sort of flying by the seat of my pants as we say) but this week I spent time ordering the next whole chapter of math that I would need and trying to organize my intervention time for the rest of the school year. I think it's a little motivation to "see the end in sight" as they say. 

I am also having surgery this coming Thursday, so I wanted to have some plans prepared.

We just finished taking our Terra Nova test (the equivalent to the MAP for out little kiddos) so we planned to do a "testing celebration" of all their hard work and concentration. When I think about it, these kids really do work very hard all year long. [most of the time ;)] 

Anyway, we decided to have that "testing celebration" on the day I am not going to be at school- which really works out, I don't particularly like subs to try to teach this math program anyway. So I wanted to whip up some math centers that would be easy for them to "play" during their time in my room. Sooooo that's what I did tonight:


There are Seven Centers in all, and they are really flexible ... I had a compilation picture, but as luck would have it, blogger is not letting me put it on right now and I'm too tired to mess with it right now. So as I like to say "ya get what ya get and ya don't throw a fit!"

Sometimes I'm not really great about preparing myself and my classroom for what's in store. But this week, I am on the ball!

I hope you all have a great week, prepared or not!

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